Karibu Himiza Social Justice
Welcome to Himiza Social Justice
Guided with the principles of social justice—equity, access, participation and rights, our organization implements mainly four programs namely Legal Aid Program, Disability Rights Advocacy, Capacity Building and Volunteer & Internship Program. In furthering these four programs, Himiza Social Justice implements cross cutting issues which include Promotion of Good Governance (transparency, accountability & integrity), fighting Gender Based Violence, Climate Change and Promotion of Sexual Reproductive Health and Peace Building.
As the Co-Founder & Executive Director of Himiza Social Justice, I am delighted to welcome you to our website. The website you are viewing now will give you the insights of what our organization does and stands for.
“Promoting a fair and equal society by challenging inequality and valuing diversity”— is our motto and I myself lead the team to achieve it armed with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions – Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. I with my team treasure on this goal so as to further defeat SDG 1: No Poverty.
We further strive to see access to justice is improved and our community members who cannot afford legal services to practicing lawyers can access pro bono legal services from Himiza Social Justice.
Ahsante Sana
Bernard Otieno, Esq.
Co-Founder & Executive Director
Himiza Social Justice
Geita, Tanzania, East Africa
WhatsApp: +255754819682
Email: bernard@himizasocialjustice.or.tz